I know what I thought, Oh this will be perfect for the girls' tutu's. our nephew and his wife just had their third daughter! I have noticed the cute trend to dress your kiddos up for theme inspired photos, and have been considering offering them in the shop. What better
guinea pigs, I mean test marketers than my younger hipper Nephew and Wife? Well offered to make them for their three girls as props for pictures. I love the way the outfits turned out.

What I didn't love was the glitter tulle! When I was at the craft store purchasing tulle for the project I discovered they had glitter tulle in the colors I needed for the tutu's. I was very excited and loved the idea of making them sparkly little tutus. When I started cutting the tulle for the tutus I discovered the glitter fell off of the tulle in incredible amounts. I looked like a glitter bomb went off in my craft room. This is what it looked like after cutting the smallest tutu- the baby is a newborn and her tutu is so stinking tiny and cute. Don't worry the craft room wasn't the only thing covered in glitter- you can just call me sparkles! LOL
Of course I couldn't make something so cute for the girls and leave out my sweet little Grandson! I whipped these up to go with his Thing 1 t-shirt! Oh please excuse the clutter on the table and don't judge me. -lol